
Tactics, the activities that Gravitate North East pursue day to day, to execute the strategy are in the following three themes.

Project Management

The project management of sites in the portfolio will follow a similar stepwise approach. We will identify the site, seek approval to proceed from the  land owners, commission trial pits, develop a business plan including tenure for the land, and seek planning permission.

We will engage with local community and interest groups, to ensure that planning permission is granted. We will then pursue funding to execute the project, engaging contractors and setting up operations.


Gravitate North East committee will communicate to its members, funders and stakeholders through three main channels and face to face meetings and talks.

The website will provide a summary of the aims, objectives and activity of the charity, aiming primarily at members, partners and funders. 

Social media (Instagram and Facebook) will provide updates and reminders of progress aiming primarily at members. Social media will develop and build the Gravitate North East brand, in line with the aim and objectives.


Gravitate North East will require funds to execute its strategies. These will be raised from members,  some community support funds and appropriate local businesses, as well as our own income when our sites are operational.

The capital investment to build projects will be from government grants, grant funding, utility grants, and sports development funds. We will build strong relationships with key funders, updating them regularly on our aims, objectives and progress.